Contact us

Central Services

14220 – 109 Avenue Edmonton, AB T5N 4B3
Office Hours: Monday – Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Housing and Employment Inquiries: 780-482-6561
Volunteer and Community Engagement Inquiries: 780-733-7682
Media Inquiries: 780-447-9207

    Send Us a Message

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    Feedback is essential to helping GEF achieve our vision of creating vibrant, affordable communities for seniors.

    Your feedback can assist GEF Seniors Housing in identifying areas that need improvement, inspire new ideas that help to enhance Quality of Life of our tenants and residents, and let a GEF team member know about a good experience and ensure their efforts are acknowledged.

    Use the form above to send us Compliments, Concerns, and/or Suggestions.

    What will we do with your feedback?

    Compliments will be shared with the GEF team members and recognized by

    Concerns will be addressed through a formal review process. Management will review the issue, gather additional information, and identify potential resolutions.

    Suggestions will be shared and considered by the management team.

    We will respond to all inquiries and feedback.

    If you would like to remain anonymous, please review our Protected Disclosure (Whistleblower) Policy